Sunday, March 15, 2020

Compilation of Baking Through the Alphabet with the Musical List

A long time ago, I began "Baking through the alphabet" with my kids.  It was fun!  And we made it through the letter Q, and then I did W for some reason.  Then, even though I wasn't planning to go back to work yet, I scored a job as a special education teacher and all of this fell by the wayside.

Fast forward to now.  Now I have other relatives hoping to find musicals that are fun to watch and I realized that I didn't even have a compilation of the musicals set here.  So, here they are.  Linked are each of the blog posts with the baking we did with each letter A-Q and W.

And below are the musical titles for each letter of the alphabet.

Who knows?  If our school cancels for a few weeks, we may be able to finish baking through the alphabet and watch some more great musicals!

Q - I couldn't find any musicals that begin with the letter /q/.  But here's the post about German Cheesecake that was amazing!  "Quark"

W -