Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Baking Through the Alphabet: The Letter I

The Letter I

Our Letter I meal was Impossible! Actually, I couldn't go to the store for ingredients for this meal (we're on a budget and I live out of town and didn't want to travel back in).  As a result, I just used what I had in my home.  I love impossible cheeseburger pie, but we didn't even have any hamburger! I had bacon though, and bacon's tasty, so we enjoyed:

  • Impossible Bacon and Egg Pie
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • (Ita palm - it's a fruit.  I just listed this as an option.  They are prominent and well loved in South America.  If you can find one, you could use this.  They do look tasty!)  
(You could use any "Italian dish" as well for the letter I.)

Baking Through the Alphabet: we made Impossible Pie (we did a coconut flavor, but buttermilk was a favorite from my childhood).  I really wanted to teach my daughter (I pulled my son into this one too) how to make impossible pies.  They are quick to put together, full of protein from eggs, and fairly filling.  I thought it would be a good item for them to have in their back pocket for when they have to cook on their own. They are "impossible" because they make their own pie crust while they're baking!

I used this recipe here: Impossible Pie.  We put a little less vanilla in and added a bit of coconut extract.

Finding a movie musical for the letter I was tricky. We finally ended up with In Search of the Castaways.  It has always been a favorite movie of mine.  And thank goodness for Walt Disney and the Sherman brothers for all their work on musicals for him!

 Two siblings, Mary and Robert, are approached by a French professor who has found a letter from their father, who has been lost at sea.  They convince the ship-owner to search for their father and travel the globe to do so.  I remember as  a kid, my siblings and I thought it would be so fun if Disney would take the many modes of transportation they had and turn them into rides at Disneyland or DisneyWorld - our favorite was the gigantic rock through the Andes Mountains! 

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